Are looking for the best and the right herbicide for your maize of just few weeks, maybe the one that you use use ion a 3 weeks maize?
Striker!! That is our first choice. We'll also recommend - Maverick, from HARVESTFIELD industries. Vigor Herbicide and Guard force works well for this purpose too.
Get extravet or extraforce. Either of the two contains metholachlor and attrazine. Best for maize farm and thank me later. I myself, I'm proudly an Agronomist, lol.
* Is it going to affect your 3 weeks maize?
No, it will only kill the broad leaved plants and retard the growth of grasses in the farm. Not to worry. It won't cause damage to your 3 weeks maize.
* Can one spray it directly on the maize?
No, you spray directly on the soil. Try as much as possible to avoid spraying on the leaves. It does not in anyway affect the maize stem. If sprayed at or after three weeks after planting. You need to go and rest from weeding until harvesting time.
Pest And Diseases