Mastering Agriculture: Insights into Farming, Livestock, and Sustainable Practices" How To Control Blossom End Rot Disease In Tomato Plants Mastering Agriculture: Insights into Farming, Livestock, and Sustainable Practices"

How To Control Blossom End Rot Disease In Tomato Plants

Calcium (Ca) deficiency leads to "Blossom End Rot" disease in tomato.
Calcium is a key nutrient required for proper fruit development in tomato plants.
How To Control Blossom End Rot Disease In Tomato Plants.

When there is a deficiency of calcium, the developing fruit cells may not form properly, leading to the characteristic dark, sunken lesions on the blossom end of the fruit.

The lesion is usually circular or oblong in shape, and may start off small and light brown, then darken and enlarge as the fruit grows.

The affected tissue may feel firm or leathery, and may eventually become dry and papery. Blossom end rot is typically confined to the bottom of the fruit, and does not spread to the rest of the plant or other fruits.

The critical stage for blossom end rot mitigation in tomato is during fruit development and ripening. The calcium deficiency may occur due to inconsistent watering, drought stress, or poor soil conditions that hinder calcium uptake by the roots.

Adequate and consistent calcium supply may be achieved through regular soil testing, proper fertilization, and good irrigation practices.

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